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Kidney Function

Kidney Function Blood Test by Lab Test On Demand offers a battery of tests and panels to monitor proper kidney function.
Kidney tests show whether the organs are properly regulating the amount of water, salts, and minerals in the blood and if they are properly filtering blood and aiding in eliminating waste products.
Order now and go to a lab near you, there’s no need for a Doctor’s visit or insurance approval.
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Kidney Panel Basic

Kidney Panel Basic focuses on your overall kidney wellbeing.
This panel includes: Renal Function Panel [ Albumin, BUN/Creatinine Ratio (calculated), Calcium, Carbon Dioxide, Chloride, Creatinine, Estimated Glomerular Filtration Rate (calculated), Glucose, Phosphate (as Phosphorus), Potassium, Sodium, Urea Nitrogen].

Price: $32.00

Kidney Panel Plus

Kidney Panel Plus focuses in-depth on your kidneys' wellbeing.
This panel includes: Renal Function Panel [ Albumin, BUN/Creatinine Ratio (calculated), Calcium, Carbon Dioxide, Chloride, Creatinine, Estimated Glomerular Filtration Rate (calculated), Glucose, Phosphate (as Phosphorus), Potassium, Sodium, Urea Nitrogen], CMP, CBC, Urinalysis, Microalbumin/ Creatinine Ratio Urine, Protein Total and Vitamin D.

Price: $189.00

Individual tests:

Uric Acid Test

Uric Acid test measures the amount of uric acid in your blood or urine. Uric acid is a normal waste product made by your body.

Most uric acid dissolves in your blood, then goes to the kidneys then leaves the body through your urine.
If your body makes too much uric acid or doesn't release enough into your urine, it can make crystals that form in your joints. This condition is known as gout

Price: $29.00

Protein, Total, Random Urine with Creatinine Test

Protein, Total, Random Urine with Creatinine Test detect and/or measure protein being released into the urine to assess kidney disease, kidney damage or other conditions of the kidney such as infections.

Price: $59.00

Sodium Urine 24 Hour Test

A 24-hour urine collection is a simple lab test that measures what’s in your urine. The test is used to check kidney function. A 24-hour urine collection is done by collecting your urine in a special container over a full 24-hour period. The container must be kept cool until the urine is returned to the lab.

Urine is made up of water and dissolved chemicals, such as sodium and potassium. It also contains urea. This is made when protein breaks down.

Normally, urine contains certain amounts of these waste products. It may be a sign of a certain disease or condition if these amounts are not within a normal range. Or if other substances are present.

Price: $38.00

Aldosterone Test

Aldosterone Test measures Aldosterone Hormone levels in the blood.
Aldosterone helps regulate salt and water balance in the body. If body overproduces Aldosterone then high blood pressure with low potassium levels will be seen. By controlling Aldosterone we are keeping blood pressure in check.

Price: $94.00

Home test kits:

Kidney Test Home Kit (Buy Now For Discount.)

Kidney Test Home Kit (Buy Now For Discount.)

$ 99.00

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