Liver |
Price: $39.00 |
Liver Panel Basic by Lab Test On Demand focuses on your overall liver wellbeing.
Testing regularly gives you control of your health.
The Liver Panel Basic includes the following tests: Hepatic [ Albumin, serum; Bilirubin, total; Bilirubin direct; alkaline phosphatase; transferase, alanine amino (ALT) (SGPT), transferase, aspartate amino (ALT) (SGOT); and protein, total ], Panel, GGT and Cholesterol Total.
This test requires samples of your blood and urine.
Hepatic Panel or Liver Function Test (LFT) measures the liver’s health, this panel screens the levels of certain enzymes and proteins in your blood that affect the overall health of the liver.
The Hepatic panel can be used to detect liver infections, the progression of a disease, such as viral or alcoholic hepatitis, measure the severity of a disease, particularly scarring of the liver or monitor possible side effects of medications.
This panel includes the following tests: ALT, AST, ALP, protein total, albumin, bilirubin total, bilirubin direct, globulin & albumin/globulin ratio.
Gamma Glutamyl Transferase Test or GGT Test measures the level of GGT in a blood sample. Gamma Glutamyl Transferase (GGT) is an enzyme found in many tissues including the liver (primarily) and kidneys, when elevated can indicate diseases of the liver, kidneys, biliary system (gallbladder or bile ducts) and pancreas.
It is normally ordered together with the Alkaline Phosphatase Test.
GGT is used to diagnose and treat alcoholic cirrhosis.
Cholesterol Total Test is done to determine whether your Cholesterol is high and estimate your risk of developing heart attacks and other forms of heart disease and diseases of the blood vessels.
Cholesterol is a waxy, fat-like substance. Your liver makes all the cholesterol your body needs. But you take in more cholesterol from certain foods, such as those from animals. If you have too much cholesterol in your body, it can build up in the walls of your arteries (as "plaque") and eventually harden. This process, called atherosclerosis, actually narrows the arteries, making it harder for blood to travel through the vessels.
A measure of Total LDL and HDL Cholesterol together with a Triglyceride count informs us about the risk of coronary artery disease (Heart Disease).
This test is also useful in the diagnosis of other related diseases such us Hyperlipoproteinemia, Atherosclerosis, Hepatic and Thyroid Diseases.